Orchards and Gardens
The post-industrial landscape of Karviná at first glance appears as a mosaic of original and revitalized heaps and tailings, mowed and ruderal meadows, and all stages of forest succession.

Access to these areas is often possible only via former asphalt roads, which are often crumbling or uneven due to subsidence, making them impassable. The network of former streets is usually the only reminder of the vanished parts of towns and villages or entire mining colonies. Another reminder is the remnants of original plantings across the entire post-mining landscape. In many places, you can find fruit trees that once stood in the gardens and orchards of now-extinct colonies that had to give way to the consequences of mining in the past. These fruit trees are part of the wealth and stories associated with POHO2030. We believe it is worth “reviving” some of them in new plantings before they disappear forever. Supporting this effort is the fact that many active associations and organizations in the POHO2030 area would like to help restore and preserve the original varieties, but until now they lacked information about their occurrence and species composition. A pomological survey conducted in 2021 analyzed and confirmed the great diversity of apple, pear, plum, cherry, and sour cherry varieties.
Basic information
POHO2030 is revitalizing the Karviná landscape and saving forgotten fruit trees for the future
Living treasures as a legacy of the past
Site condition
Partially ready
In preparation
Preparation completed