I, quietly sleeping...

For many years the traces of mining activity in the post mining landscape, also known as POHO, were quietly covered by nature.

…patiently waiting

The centuries of mining have left their mark on the local landscape, visible at a glance in the form of coal treatment plants, slag heaps, tailings, and mining towers. Nearly a quarter of all brownfields in the Czech Republic are concentrated here as well. All of these are typical features of the post-mining landscape in the Karviná region.

poho tečky...

Virtual tours

Wondering what the Leaning Church, the Gabriela Mine, or the Lazy Mine look like inside?


Virtual tours

poho tečky... poho čárky...

When the Underground Falls Silent Forever

The coal heart of the Karviná region, though beating more quietly, is still alive. But we know it will fall silent within a few years.

With that, a new era will begin for POHO.


This is why the POHO 2030 transformation program was launched by the Moravian-Silesian Region in collaboration with local stakeholders. It’s built on the comprehensive Development Concept for the Karviná Post-Mining Landscape, coordinated by Moravian-Silesian Investments and Development, a regional development company.




mining areas

worked in the mines


thousand people



million tonnes of coal

several mining disasters


With the Ambition to Lead the Way

The goal of this concept is the complete transformation of the post-mining landscape in the Karviná region, bringing benefits to:


that are aware of the latest technological advancements and will find a cutting-edge hub here for developing products, technologies, and services, helping to boost the region’s overall competitiveness.


Residents and Tourists

through expanded venues for social and cultural events, as well as new opportunities for active relaxation in a unique natural setting.


Find out more about POHO 2030


Learn more