Honoring the Past

Coal mining is deeply rooted in the identity of the Karviná region and its people. Preserving the character of this area is essential not only as a reminder of its history, but also of the broader history of the Ostrava region.


In the POHO 2030 program, we collaborate with individuals and institutions to uncover new paths for developing the post-mining area, all while respecting the preservation of its historical and cultural values and traditions.

For our common Future

POHO Park Gabriela project is an excellent example, where, with the support of the Operational Programme Just Transition, we are preparing the renovation of the cultural monument of the former Gabriela mine into a vibrant center for the post-mining landscape, honoring the history of this region and the stories of its people.


We also participate in organizing numerous social and cultural events, such as sightseeing trains on former mining railways lines, POHO Days or Summer at the Barbora mine. These events aim to remind us of local values and help us collectively build the future story of this area.
