Cycling and Walking Connections

The connection of the area through cycle paths, bike routes, and walking trails is one of the key projects of POHO 2030, aiming to revitalize and make this location accessible for the future.

Currently, investment plans are being developed to build on the 2019 concept of permeability of the post-mining landscape for cycling and hiking. The proposed routes are intended to connect adjacent municipalities and provide access to natural, technical, and historical points of interest in the area. The total length of the newly proposed cycle paths and bike routes is estimated at approximately 90 km. The plan has been discussed with affected municipalities and major landowners in the area


From the overall proposal, two priority cycle paths were selected in collaboration with municipalities – the so-called Energostezka and the Rovnoběžníková route. The main paths, totaling 30 km in length, connect the areas of Karviná, Orlová, Doubrava, and Havířov. The proposal includes the use of existing routes in the area, their expansion and surface improvement, safe crossings, and additional furniture. The implementation of the main routes is planned by 2027.


The investment plan was handed over to the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Karviná District, which became the project carrier. In 2023, the project preparation of the main cycle paths began.

Basic information

30 km main routes

Connection of towns and villages

Zero emission transport

Accessibility of natural and industrial attractions

Support of tourism

Site condition

Partially ready

In preparation

Preparation completed

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Information materials

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